Appearance settings are applied globally to all pages in your Dev Portal. Appearance can be found in Portal Editor on the left sidebar.
Basic Appearance
Basic appearance settings quickly create basic styles for your default portal template.
- Theme: light and dark options are provided. This changes the background and text in your default template. Dark/light is not selectable by Developers.
- Brand color: this color will be used to set the primary color in the default template.
- Portal logo: this will be automatically used in the header, as well as footer menu sections, ensuring consistent branding on every page.
- Favicon: this is an icon that will be displayed in the browser tab for Dev Portal visitors, as well as in Favorites in the web browser.
Custom CSS
For advanced needs, you can also create Custom CSS that applies custom styles to your Dev Portal. Custom CSS provides global customization to all pages in Dev Portal.
Coming soon: documentation for Custom CSS at our dedicated site.