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Custom Resource Definitions API Reference
Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the operator v1alpha1 API group
ControlPlane is the Schema for the controlplanes API
Field | Description |
apiVersion string
gateway-operator.konghq.com/v1alpha1 |
kind string
ControlPlane |
metadata ObjectMeta
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec ControlPlaneSpec
GatewayConfiguration is the Schema for the gatewayconfigurations API
Field | Description |
apiVersion string
gateway-operator.konghq.com/v1alpha1 |
kind string
GatewayConfiguration |
metadata ObjectMeta
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec GatewayConfigurationSpec
ControlPlaneOptions indicates the specific information needed to deploy and connect a ControlPlane to a DataPlane object.
Field | Description |
deployment DeploymentOptions
dataplane string
DataPlanes refers to the named DataPlane objects which this ControlPlane is responsible for. Currently they must be in the same namespace as the Dataplane. |
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ControlPlaneSpec defines the desired state of ControlPlane
Field | Description |
deployment DeploymentOptions
dataplane string
DataPlanes refers to the named DataPlane objects which this ControlPlane is responsible for. Currently they must be in the same namespace as the Dataplane. |
gatewayClass ObjectName
GatewayClass indicates the Gateway resources which this ControlPlane should be responsible for configuring routes for (e.g. HTTPRoute, TCPRoute, UDPRoute, TLSRoute, e.t.c.). Required for the ControlPlane to have any effect: at least one Gateway must be present for configuration to be pushed to the data-plane and only Gateway resources can be used to identify data-plane entities. |
ingressClass string
IngressClass enables support for the older Ingress resource and indicates which Ingress resources this ControlPlane should be responsible for. Routing configured this way will be applied to the Gateway resources indicated by GatewayClass. If omitted, Ingress resources will not be supported by the ControlPlane. |
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DeploymentOptions is a shared type used on objects to indicate that their configuration results in a Deployment which is managed by the Operator and includes options for managing Deployments such as the the number of replicas or pod options like container image and resource requirements. version, as well as Env variable overrides.
Field | Description |
replicas integer
Replicas describes the number of desired pods. This is a pointer to distinguish between explicit zero and not specified. This only affects the DataPlane deployments for now, for more details on ControlPlane scaling please see https://github.com/Kong/gateway-operator/issues/736. |
podTemplateSpec PodTemplateSpec
PodTemplateSpec defines PodTemplateSpec for Deployment’s pods. |
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GatewayConfigurationSpec defines the desired state of GatewayConfiguration
Field | Description |
dataPlaneOptions DataPlaneOptions
DataPlaneOptions is the specification for configuration overrides for DataPlane resources that will be created for the Gateway. |
controlPlaneOptions ControlPlaneOptions
ControlPlaneOptions is the specification for configuration overrides for ControlPlane resources that will be created for the Gateway. |
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Package v1beta1 contains API Schema definitions for the gateway-operator.konghq.com v1beta1 API group
DataPlane is the Schema for the dataplanes API
Field | Description |
apiVersion string
gateway-operator.konghq.com/v1beta1 |
kind string
DataPlane |
metadata ObjectMeta
Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata . |
spec DataPlaneSpec
Address describes an address which can be either an IP address or a hostname.
Field | Description |
type AddressType
Type of the address. |
value string
Value of the address. The validity of the values will depend on the type and support by the controller. Examples: , 128::1 , my-ip-address . |
sourceType AddressSourceType
Source type of the address. |
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Underlying type: string
AddressSourceType defines the type of source this address represents. Can be one of:
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Underlying type: string
AddressType defines how a network address is represented as a text string. Can be one of:
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BlueGreenStrategy defines the Blue Green deployment strategy.
Field | Description |
promotion Promotion
Promotion defines how the operator handles promotion of resources. |
resources RolloutResources
Resources controls what happens to operator managed resources during or after a rollout. |
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DataPlaneDeploymentOptions specifies options for the Deployments (as in the Kubernetes resource “Deployment”) which are created and managed for the DataPlane resource.
Field | Description |
rollout Rollout
Rollout describes a custom rollout strategy. |
replicas integer
Replicas describes the number of desired pods. This is a pointer to distinguish between explicit zero and not specified. This only affects the DataPlane deployments for now, for more details on ControlPlane scaling please see https://github.com/Kong/gateway-operator/issues/736. |
podTemplateSpec PodTemplateSpec
PodTemplateSpec defines PodTemplateSpec for Deployment’s pods. It’s being applied on top of the generated Deployments using StrategicMergePatch. |
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DataPlaneNetworkOptions defines network related options for a DataPlane.
Field | Description |
services DataPlaneServices
Services indicates the configuration of Kubernetes Services needed for the topology of various forms of traffic (including ingress, e.t.c.) to and from the DataPlane. |
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DataPlaneOptions defines the information specifically needed to deploy the DataPlane.
Field | Description |
deployment DataPlaneDeploymentOptions
network DataPlaneNetworkOptions
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DataPlaneRolloutStatus describes the DataPlane rollout status.
Field | Description |
services DataPlaneRolloutStatusServices
Services contain the information about the services which are available through which user can access the preview deployment. |
deployment DataPlaneRolloutStatusDeployment
Deployment contains the information about the preview deployment. |
conditions Condition array
Conditions contains the status conditions about the rollout. |
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DataPlaneRolloutStatusDeployment is a rollout status field which contains fields specific for Deployments during the rollout.
Field | Description |
selector string
Selector is a stable label selector value assigned to a DataPlane rollout status which is used throughout the rollout as a deterministic labels selector for Services and Deployments. |
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DataPlaneRolloutStatusServices describes the status of the services during DataPlane rollout.
Field | Description |
ingress RolloutStatusService
Ingress contains the name and the address of the preview service for ingress. Using this service users can send requests that will hit the preview deployment. |
adminAPI RolloutStatusService
AdminAPI contains the name and the address of the preview service for Admin API. Using this service users can send requests to configure the DataPlane’s preview deployment. |
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DataPlaneServices contains Services related DataPlane configuration.
Field | Description |
ingress ServiceOptions
Ingress is the Kubernetes Service that will be used to expose ingress traffic for the DataPlane. Here you can determine whether the DataPlane will be exposed outside the cluster (e.g. using a LoadBalancer type Services) or only internally (e.g. ClusterIP), and inject any additional annotations you need on the service (for instance, if you need to influence a cloud provider LoadBalancer configuration). |
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DataPlaneSpec defines the desired state of DataPlane
Field | Description |
deployment DataPlaneDeploymentOptions
network DataPlaneNetworkOptions
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DeploymentOptions is a shared type used on objects to indicate that their configuration results in a Deployment which is managed by the Operator and includes options for managing Deployments such as the number of replicas or pod options like container image and resource requirements. version, as well as Env variable overrides.
Field | Description |
replicas integer
Replicas describes the number of desired pods. This is a pointer to distinguish between explicit zero and not specified. This only affects the DataPlane deployments for now, for more details on ControlPlane scaling please see https://github.com/Kong/gateway-operator/issues/736. |
podTemplateSpec PodTemplateSpec
PodTemplateSpec defines PodTemplateSpec for Deployment’s pods. It’s being applied on top of the generated Deployments using StrategicMergePatch. |
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Promotion is a type that contains fields that define how the operator handles promotion of resources during a blue/green rollout.
Field | Description |
strategy PromotionStrategy
Strategy indicates how you want the operator to handle the promotion of the preview (green) resources (Deployments and Services) after all workflows and tests succeed, OR if you even want it to break before performing the promotion to allow manual inspection. |
Appears in:
Underlying type: string
PromotionStrategy is the type of promotion strategy consts. Allowed values:
is a promotion strategy which will ensure all new resources are ready and then break, to enable manual inspection. The user must indicate manually when they want the promotion to continue. That can be done by annotating theDataPlane
object with"gateway-operator.konghq.com/promote-when-ready": "true"
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Rollout defines options for rollouts.
Field | Description |
strategy RolloutStrategy
Strategy contains the deployment strategy for rollout. |
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RolloutResourcePlan is a type that holds rollout resource plan related fields which control how the operator handles resources during and after a rollout.
Field | Description |
deployment RolloutResourcePlanDeployment
Deployment describes how the operator manages Deployments during and after a rollout. |
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Underlying type: string
RolloutResourcePlanDeployment is the type that holds the resource plan for managing the Deployment objects during and after a rollout. Allowed values:
is a rollout resource plan for Deployment which makes the operator scale down the Deployment to 0 when the rollout is not initiated by a spec change and then to scale it up when the rollout is initiated (the owner resource like a DataPlane is patched or updated).
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RolloutResources is the type which contains the fields which control how the operator manages the resources it manages during or after the rollout concludes.
Field | Description |
plan RolloutResourcePlan
Plan defines the resource plan for managing resources during and after a rollout. |
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RolloutStatusService is a struct which contains status information about services that are exposed as part of the rollout.
Field | Description |
name string
Name indicates the name of the service. |
addresses Address array
Addresses contains the addresses of a Service. |
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RolloutStrategy holds the rollout strategy options.
Field | Description |
blueGreen BlueGreenStrategy
BlueGreen holds the options specific for Blue Green Deployments. |
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ServiceOptions is used to includes options to customize the ingress service, such as the annotations.
Field | Description |
type ServiceType
Type determines how the Service is exposed. Defaults to LoadBalancer . Valid options are LoadBalancer and ClusterIP . ClusterIP allocates a cluster-internal IP address for load-balancing to endpoints. LoadBalancer builds on NodePort and creates an external load-balancer (if supported in the current cloud) which routes to the same endpoints as the clusterIP. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#publishing-services-service-types |
annotations object (keys:string, values:string)
Annotations is an unstructured key value map stored with a resource that may be set by external tools to store and retrieve arbitrary metadata. They are not queryable and should be preserved when modifying objects. More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/annotations |
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