Install KIC with Kong Gateway Operator
Both Kong Gateway Operator and Kong Ingress Controller can be configured using the Kubernetes Gateway API.
You can configure your GatewayClass
and Gateway
objects in a vendor independent way and Kong Gateway Operator translates those requirements in to Kong specific configuration.
This means that CRDs for both the Gateway API and Kong Ingress Controller have to be installed.
Install CRDs
If you want to use Gateway API resources, run this command:
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/releases/download/v1.2.1/standard-install.yaml
Install Kong Gateway Operator
Update the Helm repository:
helm repo add kong https://charts.konghq.com
helm repo update kong
Install Kong Gateway Operator with Helm:
helm upgrade --install kgo kong/gateway-operator -n kong-system --create-namespace \
--set image.tag=1.4
You can wait for the operator to be ready using kubectl wait
kubectl -n kong-system wait --for=condition=Available=true --timeout=120s deployment/kgo-gateway-operator-controller-manager