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Kong Gateway Compatibility
Provided below are compatibility tables for Kong Gateway. Select a version to see technologies that have been tested for interoperability with the Kong platform.
Please see Kong Gateway Version Support for more information about Kong’s support for Kong Gateway and our Support & Maintenance Policy.
If you need help using Kong Gateway with any of the supported technologies, ask a question in our community.
If you have an Enterprise tier subscription, contact Kong Support.
Supported operating systems
- Amazon linux: 1, 2
- Centos: 7-2009, 8
- Rhel: 7.9, 8
- Ubuntu: 16.04 Xenial, 18.04 Bionic, 20.04 Focal
- Debian: 9 Stretch, 10 Buster, 11 Bullseye Kong only supports the latest vendor-supported minor version for RHEL and CentOS.
Supported databases
- Postgres: 10, 11, 12, 13
- Cassandra: 3.11