The API for Kong Konnect API Products.
- Server 1:[Konnect API Products]
United-States Production region
- Server 2:[Konnect API Products]
Europe Production region
- Server 3:[Konnect API Products]
Australia Production region
- Server 4:[Konnect API Products]
Middle-East Production region
personalAccessToken (http)
The personal access token is meant to be used as an alternative to basic-auth when accessing Konnect via APIs.
You can generate a Personal Access Token (PAT) from the personal access token page in the Konnect dashboard.
The PAT token must be passed in the header of a request, for example:
curl -X GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer kpat_xgfT...'
systemAccountAccessToken (http)
The system account access token is meant for automations and integrations that are not directly associated with a human identity.
You can generate a system account Access Token by creating a system account and then obtaining a system account access token for that account.
The access token must be passed in the header of a request, for example:
curl -X GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer spat_i2Ej...'