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Credential Type Labels
In versions before 3.0, credential Secrets used a kongCredType
field in the Secret to indicate the Secret type. Version 3.0 replaces this field with a konghq.com/credential
label to allow the admission controller and resource cache to filter out Secrets that Kong Ingress Controller do not use to improve performance and avoid interference with non-Kong Ingress Controller Secret updates.
The kongCredType
field is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
You can use a simple jq and kubectl script to find your credential Secrets and generate commands to add an appropriate label:
kubectl get secret -A -ojson | jq -r '.items[] | select(.data.kongCredType != null) | "kubectl label secret -n \(.metadata.namespace) \(.metadata.name) konghq.com/credential=\(.data.kongCredType | @base64d )"'
Or, if you do not have access to all namespaces (replace default other
with a space-separated list of namespaces to search):
for namespace in default other; do kubectl get secret -n $namespace -ojson | jq -r '.items[] | select(.data.kongCredType != null) | "kubectl label secret -n \(.metadata.namespace) \(.metadata.name) konghq.com/credential=\(.data.kongCredType | @base64d )"'; done
The output is a list of kubectl
commands to copy and paste in order to apply the label. For example:
kubectl label secret -n default consumer-5-key-auth konghq.com/credential=key-auth
kubectl label secret -n other consumer-10-key-auth konghq.com/credential=bee-auth
You do not need to remove the kongCredType
field from Secrets after you have
added the label, but once you have added the label, the value of the label is used instead of the field.