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External Service
This policy allows services running inside the mesh to consume services that are not part of the mesh. The ExternalService
resource allows you to declare specific external resources by name within the mesh, instead of implementing the default passthrough mode. Passthrough mode allows access to any non-mesh host by specifying its domain name or IP address, without the ability to apply any traffic policies. The ExternalService
resource enables the same observability, security, and traffic manipulation for external traffic as for services entirely inside the mesh
When you enable this policy, you should also disable passthrough mode for the mesh and enable the data plane proxy builtin DNS name resolution.
Simple configuration of external service requires name
of the resource, kuma.io/service: service-name
, and address
. By default, a protocol used for communication is TCP
. It’s possible to change that by configuring kuma.io/protocol
tag. Apart from that, it’s possible to define TLS configuration used for communication with external services. More information about configuration options can be found here.
Below is an example of simple HTTPS external service:
apiVersion: kuma.io/v1alpha1
kind: ExternalService
mesh: default
name: httpbin
kuma.io/service: httpbin
kuma.io/protocol: http # optional, one of http, http2, tcp, grpc, kafka
address: httpbin.org:443
tls: # optional
enabled: true
allowRenegotiation: false
serverName: httpbin.org # optional
caCert: # one of inline, inlineString, secret
inline: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0t... # Base64 encoded cert
clientCert: # one of inline, inlineString, secret
secret: clientCert
clientKey: # one of inline, inlineString, secret
secret: clientKey
Then apply the configuration with kubectl apply -f [..]
Accessing the External Service
Consuming the defined service from within the mesh for both Kubernetes and Universal deployments (assuming transparent proxy) can be done:
- With the
naming of the servicecurl httpbin.mesh
. With this approach, specify port 80. - With the real name and port, in this case
curl httpbin.org:443
. This approach works only with the data plane proxy builtin DNS name resolution.
It’s possible to define TLS origination and validation at 2 different layers:
- Envoy is responsible for originating and verifying TLS.
- Application itself is responsible for originating and verifying TLS and Envoy is just passing the connection to a proper destination.
In the first case, the external service is defined as HTTPS, but it’s consumed as plain HTTP. This is possible because when networking.tls.enabled
is set to true
then Envoy is responsible for originating and verifying TLS.
The second approach allows consuming the service using HTTPS. It’s possible when kuma.io/protocol: tcp
and networking.tls.enabled=false
are set in the configuration of the external service.
The first approach has an advantage that we can apply HTTP based policies, because Envoy is aware of HTTP protocol and can apply request modifications before the request is encrypted. Additionally, we can modify TLS certificates without restarting applications.
Available policy fields
the external service can include an arbitrary number of tags, where:-
is mandatory. -
tag is also taken into account and supports the standard Kong Mesh protocol values. It designates the specific protocol for the service (one of:http
, default:tcp
). -
tag is taken into account whenlocality aware load balancing
is enabled or external service should be accessible only from the specific zone.
- ` networking` describes the networking configuration of the external service:
the address of the external service. It has to be a valid IP address or a domain name, and must include a port. -
is the section to configure the TLS originator when consuming the external service:-
turns on and off the TLS origination. -
turns on and off TLS renegotiation. It’s not recommended enabling this for security reasons. However, some servers require this setting to fetch client certificate after TLS handshake. TLS renegotiation is not available in TLS v1.3. -
overrides the default Server Name Indication. Set this value to empty string to disable SNI. -
the CA certificate for the external service TLS verification. -
the client certificate for mTLS. -
the client key for mTLS.
As with other services, avoid duplicating service names under kuma.io/service
with already existing ones. A good practice is to derive the tag value from the domain name or IP of the actual external service.
External Services and Locality Aware Load Balancing
There are might be scenarios when a particular external service should be accessible only from the particular zone.
In order to make it work we should use kuma.io/zone
tag for external service. When this tag is set and locality-aware load balancing is enabled
then the traffic from the zone will be redirected only to external services associated with the zone using kuma.io/zone
type: ExternalService
mesh: default
name: httpbin-for-zone-1
kuma.io/service: httpbin
kuma.io/protocol: http
kuma.io/zone: zone-1
address: zone-1.httpbin.org:80
type: ExternalService
mesh: default
name: httpbin-for-zone-2
kuma.io/service: httpbin
kuma.io/protocol: http
kuma.io/zone: zone-2
address: zone-2.httpbin.org:80
In this example, when locality-aware load balancing is enabled, if the service in the zone-1
is trying to set connection with
it will be redirected to zone-1.httpbin.org:80
. Whereas the same request from the zone-2
will be redirected to zone-2.httpbin.org:80
is enabled, there is a limitation that prevents the behavior described above from working. The control-plane replaces the external service’s address in the remote zone with the IP address ofZoneEgress
. This causes a problem because Envoy does not support a cluster that use both DNS and IP addresses as endpoints definition.
External Services and ZoneEgress
In scenarios when traffic to external services needs to be sent through a unique set of hosts you will configure ZoneEgress.
For example when there is:
- disabled passthrough mode
deployed -
configuration that allows communicating withhttps://example.com
.type: ExternalService mesh: default name: example tags: kuma.io/service: example kuma.io/protocol: tcp networking: address: example.com:443 tls: enabled: false
When application makes a request to https://example.com
, it will be first routed to ZoneEgress
and then to https://example.com
You can completely block your instances to communicate to things outside the mesh by disabling passthrough mode.
In this setup, applications will only be able to communicate with other applications in the mesh or external-services via the ZoneEgress
with the samekuma.io/service
name cannot mix dns names and IP addresses of the endpoint.Example:
yaml --- type: ExternalService mesh: default name: example-1 tags: kuma.io/service: example kuma.io/protocol: tcp networking: address: example.com:443 --- type: ExternalService mesh: default name: example-2 tags: kuma.io/service: example kuma.io/protocol: tcp networking: address:
The above configuration is incorrect and configuration generation will fail.
External Services accessible from specific zone through ZoneEgress
There are might be scenarios when a specific ExternalService
might be accessible only through the specific zone. To make it work we should use the kuma.io/zone
tag for external service. In order to make it work, we need a multi-zone setup with ZoneIngress
and ZoneEgress
deployed. Also,
zone egress needs to be enabled.
type: ExternalService
mesh: default
name: httpbin-only-in-zone-2
kuma.io/service: httpbin
kuma.io/protocol: http
kuma.io/zone: zone-2
address: httpbin.org:80
In this example, when all the conditions mentioned above are fulfilled if the service in zone-1
is trying to set a connection with
it will be redirected to the ZoneEgress
instance within the zone-1
. Next, this request goes to the ZoneIngress
instance in zone-2
which redirects it to the ZoneEgress
cluster instance from where it goes outside to the ExternalService
Builtin Gateway support
Kong Mesh Gateway fully supports external services.
Note that mesh Dataplanes can be configured with the same kuma.io/service
tag as an external service resource.
In this scenario, Kong Mesh Gateway will prefer the ExternalService and not route any traffic to the Dataplanes.
Note that before gateway becomes generally available this behaviour will change to be the same as for any other dataplanes.