PermalinkKey and Key Set Management in Kong Gateway
This page describes Kong Gateway’s capabilities to manage asymmetric keys and key-sets in Kong Gateway.
For some operations, access to public and private keys is required. This document also describes how to grant access to those keys using Kong Gateway.
PermalinkUse cases
Some Kong Gateway plugins offer a custom endpoint to configure JSON Web Keys. The new generic endpoint replaces the custom endpoints for each plugin. The following table lists the plugins that support the new endpoint:
Plugin | Keys/Key Sets supported |
OpenID Connect | No |
JWT Signer | No |
JWT | No |
JWE Decrypt | Yes |
PermalinkKeys endpoint
The generic Keys
endpoint allows you to store asymmetric keys, either a public or private key, as a JWK or PEM. A configurable kid
string is required to identify the key. The kid
attribute is a common way to identify the key that should be used to verify or decrypt a token, but it can be used in other scenarios when you must identify a key.
PermalinkKey Sets endpoint
You can assign one or many keys to a JSON Web Key Set. This can be useful to logically group multiple keys to use for a specific application or service. Key Sets are also the preferred way to expose keys to plugins because they tell the plugin where to look for keys or have a scoping mechanism to restrict plugins to just some keys.
See the following plugins documentation for more information about how to configure them using a Key Set:
Note: Deleting a Key Set will remove all associated keys.
PermalinkKey formats
Currently two common formats are supported:
Both formats carry the same base information, such as the public or private key exponents, but may allow you to specify additional meta information. For example, the JWK format carries more information than PEM. This means that one key pair can have multiple different representations (JWK or PEM) while being the same key.
PermalinkCreate a key using the JWK format and associate it with a Key Set
Create a Key Set:
curl -i -X POST http://localhost:8001/key-sets \
--data name=my-set
"created_at": 1669029622,
"id": "2033cb3d-ef3b-4f6d-8395-bc3c2d5a0e4f",
"name": "my-set",
"tags": null,
"updated_at": 1669029622
Create a key and associate it with the Key Set:
curl -i -X POST http://localhost:8001/keys \
--data name=my-first-jwk \
--data jwk='{"kty":"RSA","kid":"42","use":"enc","n":"pjdss8ZaDfEH6K6U7GeW2nxDqR4IP049fk1fK0lndimbMMVBdPv_hSpm8T8EtBDxrUdi1OHZfMhUixGaut-3nQ4GG9nM249oxhCtxqqNvEXrmQRGqczyLxuh-fKn9Fg--hS9UpazHpfVAFnB5aCfXoNhPuI8oByyFKMKaOVgHNqP5NBEqabiLftZD3W_lsFCPGuzr4Vp0YS7zS2hDYScC2oOMu4rGU1LcMZf39p3153Cq7bS2Xh6Y-vw5pwzFYZdjQxDn8x8BG3fJ6j8TGLXQsbKH1218_HcUJRvMwdpbUQG5nvA2GXVqLqdwp054Lzk9_B_f1lVrmOKuHjTNHq48w","e":"AQAB","d":"ksDmucdMJXkFGZxiomNHnroOZxe8AmDLDGO1vhs-POa5PZM7mtUPonxwjVmthmpbZzla-kg55OFfO7YcXhg-Hm2OWTKwm73_rLh3JavaHjvBqsVKuorX3V3RYkSro6HyYIzFJ1Ek7sLxbjDRcDOj4ievSX0oN9l-JZhaDYlPlci5uJsoqro_YrE0PRRWVhtGynd-_aWgQv1YzkfZuMD-hJtDi1Im2humOWxA4eZrFs9eG-whXcOvaSwO4sSGbS99ecQZHM2TcdXeAs1PvjVgQ_dKnZlGN3lTWoWfQP55Z7Tgt8Nf1q4ZAKd-NlMe-7iqCFfsnFwXjSiaOa2CRGZn-Q","p":"4A5nU4ahEww7B65yuzmGeCUUi8ikWzv1C81pSyUKvKzu8CX41hp9J6oRaLGesKImYiuVQK47FhZ--wwfpRwHvSxtNU9qXb8ewo-BvadyO1eVrIk4tNV543QlSe7pQAoJGkxCia5rfznAE3InKF4JvIlchyqs0RQ8wx7lULqwnn0","q":"ven83GM6SfrmO-TBHbjTk6JhP_3CMsIvmSdo4KrbQNvp4vHO3w1_0zJ3URkmkYGhz2tgPlfd7v1l2I6QkIh4Bumdj6FyFZEBpxjE4MpfdNVcNINvVj87cLyTRmIcaGxmfylY7QErP8GFA-k4UoH_eQmGKGK44TRzYj5hZYGWIC8","dp":"lmmU_AG5SGxBhJqb8wxfNXDPJjf__i92BgJT2Vp4pskBbr5PGoyV0HbfUQVMnw977RONEurkR6O6gxZUeCclGt4kQlGZ-m0_XSWx13v9t9DIbheAtgVJ2mQyVDvK4m7aRYlEceFh0PsX8vYDS5o1txgPwb3oXkPTtrmbAGMUBpE","dq":"mxRTU3QDyR2EnCv0Nl0TCF90oliJGAHR9HJmBe__EjuCBbwHfcT8OG3hWOv8vpzokQPRl5cQt3NckzX3fs6xlJN4Ai2Hh2zduKFVQ2p-AF2p6Yfahscjtq-GY9cB85NxLy2IXCC0PF--Sq9LOrTE9QV988SJy_yUrAjcZ5MmECk","qi":"ldHXIrEmMZVaNwGzDF9WG8sHj2mOZmQpw9yrjLK9hAsmsNr5LTyqWAqJIYZSwPTYWhY4nu2O0EY9G9uYiqewXfCKw_UngrJt8Xwfq1Zruz0YY869zPN4GiE9-9rzdZB33RBw8kIOquY3MK74FMwCihYx_LiU2YTHkaoJ3ncvtvg"}' \
--data kid=42 \
{ kty":"RSA",
{ "id":"cb5b5df8-0161-4fdf-a2ce-cefc9481d5f9"},
PermalinkCreate a Key using the PEM format and associate with a Key Set
Create a Key Set:
curl -i -X POST http://localhost:8001/key-sets \
--data name=my-other-set
"created_at": 1669029622,
"id": "2033cb3d-ef3b-4f6d-8395-bc3c2d5a0e4f",
"name": "my-other-set",
"tags": null,
"updated_at": 1669029622
Create a PEM-encoded key and associate it with the Key Set:
curl -i -X POST http://localhost:8001/keys \
--data name=my-first-pem-key \
--data pem.private_key=@path/to/private_key.pem \
--data pem.public_key=@path/to/public_key.pem \
--data kid=23 \
"jwk": null
"pem": {
"public_key": "----BEGIN...",
"private_key": "----BEGIN...."
{ "id":"cb5b5df8-0161-4fdf-a2ce-cefc9481d5f9"},